A beautiful dream last night, December 28, 2012, which lasted most of the evening. In the dream I am going through nurseries/gardens in some country but I don’t know where. The people are friendly and generous in sharing. As I am walking along I see a small clump of ‘Prayer’ with lavender buds just beginning to open. The partially opened flowers are so beautiful that my heart aspires to have a few bulbs for the Matrimandir Gardens and somehow I know that even this small clump will be divided and shared. Then I find myself looking at a field where there are large white ‘Integral Prayer’ flowers, more than 4 inches across. They are strong and plentiful but scattered haphazardly across the land. I see that the land is not that clean and there are many weeds strewn around. I think to myself that the place for prayer must be kept clean and then I say, “We must gather all our prayers together.” Here the dream ends.
Note: Over a number of years I have purchased 'Prayer' bulbs (Zephyranthes and Habranthus) for the Matrimandir Gardens from many suppliers and, conducting numerous experiments in Mother's Garden in Georgia, U.S.A., was able to cross pollinate some special 'named' varieties and bring them to bloom during the summer. The common name for these flowers is 'Rain Lily' or 'Zephyr lily'. Observing the flowers coming into bloom about three days after a rain I decided to harvest the rain water off the roof, collecting it in large barrels. I felt that the flowers would come into bloom during the summer if I would water the pots of rain lilies with the water in the barrels, knowing that rain represents Divine Grace. The experiment was successful and I was able to bring plants into flower many times from April through mid-October, enabling me also to cross-pollinate more and collect the seeds as well. Ultimately I was able to introduce 86 varieties into the Matrimandir Gardens Nursery for future planting in the Garden of Unity and other areas of the Matrimandir Gardens.

Psychic Prayer

Vital Prayer
New and beautiful forms of prayer

Integral Prayer
Another new form!
Mental Prayer