In today's blog we enter into the world of silence, represented by two flowers whose messages have been revealed to us by the Mother, Silence and Integral Silence.
The word, Silence, occurs 165 times in Savitri and Sri Aurobindo and Mother have written of the immense importance of silence in many of Their works. There is a third Passion Flower given the following significance by the Mother, "Power Aspiring to Become an Instrument for the Divine Work", represented by two red species, Passiflora vitifolia and Passiflora coccinea.
There are many species and cultivars of passion flowers, some of them bearing beautiful and exotic looking flowers, others, in addition to the unique flowers also bear edible fruits. In tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world beverages made from the juice of passion flowers are delicious.
The Passion flower is replete with symbolical stories from both the East and the West.
In Christian symbolism the tendrils are likened to the whips that scourged Christ, the numerous radial filaments representing the Crown of Thorns, the three stigmas, the three nails and the five anthers below, the five wounds.
In India the blue passion flower is called Krishnakamala in Karnataka and Maharashtra, while in Uttar Pradesh and generally north it is colloquially called "Paanch Paandav". The structure of the flower with its five anthers represents the five Pandavas, with Krishna at the centre, the numerous filaments being the opposing hundred at the edges. The colour blue is associated with Krishna's aura.
My inner guide who was given the work by the Divine Mother to bring me closer to Her was Arabinda Basu who left his body two years ago. He published an excellent journal, Gavesana and chose for its cover the red passion flower, P. coccinea mentioned above. One day he said to me, "You see, even 'Power' is aspiring!
I have grown this plant in Auroville and it is truly a thing of great beauty.
Mother makes an very important comment for 'Power Aspiring to Become an Instrument for the Divine Work'
Mother's comment: "Opening to a higher consciousness, power awakens to the need of being at the service of the Divine."
The next blog offers photographs of all the Passion flowers named by Mother.