Peace in the Physical
To want what God wants is the best condition for it.
white to pale yellow, pale pink
does not have a wide range of distinct cultivars
small, measuring about 1-2 centimeters (0.4-0.8 inches) in diameter.
smooth and soft
radial symmetry, with parts arranged in a circle.
pleasant aroma
glossy and smooth
arranged alternately on the branches
dark green
throughout the year
Tropical and subtropical climates
well-drained soil and can tolerate periodic saltwater exposure.
sandy or loamy soils
sensitive to frost and prefers warm temperatures
full sun but can tolerate partial shade
scale insects and fungal issues
coastal areas and along beaches in tropical and subtropical regions
provides habitat and food sources for various wildlife in its native habitat.
grown as an ornamental tree for its attractive foliage and flowers.
The tree has various traditional uses, including for timber and oil production.
Not endangered
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