And finally, the best friend one can have—isn't he the Divine, to whom one can say everything, reveal everything? For there indeed is the source of all compassion, of all power to efface every error when it is not repeated, to open the road to true realisation; it is he who can understand all, heal all, and always help on the path, help you not to fail, not to falter, not to fall, but to walk straight to the goal. He is the true friend, the friend of good and bad days, the one who can understand, can heal, and who is always there when you need him. When you call him sincerely, he is always there to guide and uphold you—and to love you in the true way.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1957 - 1958: 13 March 1957
Friendship with the Divine
Delicate, attentive, and faithful, always ready to respond to the smallest appeal.
Red, yellow
Progressive Friendship with the Divine
As we progress and purify ourselves of our egoism, our friendship with the Divine becomes clearer and more conscious.
Bright reddish-orange, yellow
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