Careya arborea

Wild Guava, Kumbhi, Slow Match Tree, Ceylon Oak, Patana Oak, Peezh in Malayalam, Kumbha in Marathi, Kumbhi in Sanskrit

Message of the Flower


The Mother’s Comment

The disappearance of the ego.

Spiritual Message by the Mother/ Quotes by Sri Aurobindo

Liberation signifies an emergence into the true spiritual nature of being where all action is the automatic self expression of that truth and there can be nothing else.

Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - II: The Gnostic Being

Deep, intense, convincing, common to all who have overstepped a certain limit of the active mind-belt into horizonless inner space, this is the great experience of liberation, the consciousness of something within us that is behind and outside of the universe and all its forms, interests, aims, events and happenings, calm, untouched, unconcerned, illimitable, immobile, free,…

Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga - I: The Object of Knowledge

The sense of release as if from jail always accompanies the emergence of the psychic being or the realisation of the self above. It is therefore spoken of as a liberation, mukti. It is a release into peace, happiness, the soul's freedom not tied down by the thousand ties and cares of the outward ignorant existence.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: The Inward Movement


Cream white, red



Person who named the flower

William Roxburgh

Flower Size

Large, up to 7-8 cm in diameter

Flower Texture


Number of Petals

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Floral Symmetry


Fragrance of Flower

Slightly fragrant

Leaf Texture


Leaf Arrangement


Leaf Color

Green, turns red in cold season

Structural Variation (Shrub or Tree)


Life Cycle


Blooming Period

Late spring to early summer


Tropical and subtropical

Water Requirements


Soil Type

Prefers well-drained soil

Temperature Ranges

Comfortable in warm climates, not frost-tolerant

Sun or Shade

Full sun to partial shade

Susceptibility to Insects and Diseases

Susceptible to root rot and fungal diseases


Bees and other insects


Forests, especially near streams and in moist locations

Role in the Ecosystem

Provides habitat and food for various wildlife


Yes, used in large gardens and parks

Uses in Other Aspects of Life

Wood used in construction

Endangered Status

Not endangered