
Java Glory Bean, Pagoda Flower

Message of the Flower

Aspiration for the Right Attitude

The Mother’s Comment

Energetic, willing, determined.

Spiritual Message by the Mother/ Quotes by Sri Aurobindo

To lead the Divine Life does not depend on any exterior activity or circumstances. Whatever you do from the highest work to the most ordinary, you can lead the Divine Life if you are in the true consciousness and the right attitude.

The Mother

If, in the presence of circumstances that are about to take place, you can take the highest attitude possible—that is, if you put your consciousness in contact with the highest consciousness within reach, you can be absolutely sure that in that case it is the best that can happen to you… I even go so far as to affirm that in the zone of immediate influence of each one, the right attitude not only has the power to turn every circumstance to advantage but can change the very circumstance itself.

The Mother, Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931: Power of Right Attitude


Purplish-red, bright red, green


Lamiaceae (previously placed in Verbenaceae in some classifications)


Specific cultivars information might not be widely available for this hybrid.

Flower Size

Large, showy clusters

Flower Texture


Number of Petals


Floral Symmetry

Radially symmetrical

Fragrance of Flower

Some Clerodendrum species are fragrant

Leaf Texture

Smooth to slightly hairy

Leaf Arrangement


Leaf Color

Green, sometimes with purplish tinges depending on environmental conditions

Structural Variation (Shrub or Tree)

Generally a shrub

Life Cycle

Perennial in suitable climates

Blooming Period

Late summer to fall, depending on the climate


Tropical to subtropical; not frost-tolerant

Water Requirements

Moderate, prefers well-drained soil but can tolerate short periods of drought once established

Soil Type

Prefers rich, well-drained soil but is quite adaptable

Temperature Ranges

Best in warmer climates; not frost-hardy

Sun or Shade

Prefers full sun to partial shade

Susceptibility to Insects and Diseases

Can be susceptible to common pests and diseases like spider mites and fungal infections, especially in humid conditions


Attracts butterflies, bees, and other pollinating insects


Originally from tropical regions; used in ornamental horticulture

Role in the Ecosystem

Provides nectar for pollinators


Widely used for its showy flowers and attractive foliage

Uses in Other Aspects of Life

Mainly ornamental

Endangered Status

Not typically considered endangered; however, cultivation and habitat specifics can affect local populations.