Living only to express beauty.
Art is discovery and revelation of Beauty…
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Poetry and Art: Art for Art's Sake
Art is nothing less in its fundamental truth than the aspect of beauty of the Divine manifestation.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931: 28 July 1929
If you want art to be the true and highest art, it must be the expression of a divine world brought down into this material world.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931: 28 July 1929
In a sense, spirituality is the highest art, the art of life; for it aims at creating a life of beauty pure in line, faultless in rhythm, replete with strength, illumined with light and vibrant with delight.
Sri Aurobindo
White and shades of pink, red, and purple, or bicoloured
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