blue, violet, and purple to pink, red, and white
Correct Movement
All movements are under the right inspiration.
Correct Movements in the Vital
At once the cause and the result of conversion.
Strawberry Daquiri', 'Pink Amiss', 'Blue Dragon', 'Optimara EverFloris', 'Cajun's Royal Jewels', 'Persian Prince', 'Concord', 'Ma's Corsage', 'Buckeye Seductress', 'Lyon's Private Dancer'.
1-3 inches (2.5-7.6 cm) in diameter
Soft, velvety petals
Bilaterally symmetrical (zygomorphic)
Fuzzy or hairy, soft to the touch.
Rosette formation.
Mostly deep green
Low-growing, rosette-forming perennials.
Perennial when cared for properly indoors.
Can bloom year-round under optimal conditions.
Indoor or greenhouse plant; does not tolerate cold.
Moderate; avoid water on leaves.
Light, airy, well-draining potting mix, often with added perlite or vermiculite.
65F to 75F (18C to 24C).
Prefers bright, indirect light; direct sun can be harmful.
Prone to pests like aphids, mealybugs, and cyclamen mites. Susceptible to root rot and powdery mildew.
Typically self-pollinating; pollinators not necessary indoors.
Native to Tanzania and Kenya, in the cloud forests.
In their natural habitat, they grow as epiphytes and play a role in their specific micro-ecosystems.
Widely popular as indoor houseplants due to their beauty and relatively easy care.
Mainly for decorative purposes in homes and offices.
Not endangered, but some wild species are under threat due to habitat loss.
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