Turnera subulata

White Buttercup, Sulphur Alder, Politician's Flower, Dark-eyed Turnera

Message of the Flower

Awakening of the Physical Mind

The Mother’s Comment

It wants to know, and opens itself wide in order to understand.

Spiritual Message by the Mother/ Quotes by Sri Aurobindo

The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only—it depends on the sense mind, sees only objects, external actions, draws its ideas from the data given by external things, infers from them only and knows no other Truth—until it is enlightened from above.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Mind

The true physical mind is the instrument of understanding and ordered action on physical things. Only instead of being obscure and ignorant and fumbling as now or else guided only by an external knowledge it has to become conscious of the Divine and to act in accordance with an inner light, will and knowledge putting itself into contact and an understanding unity with the physical world.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Mind

Ordinarily, the mind reflects the status of mortal nature and the activities of the Force which works under the conditions of the material universe. But if it becomes clear, passive, pure by the renunciation of these activities and of the characteristic ideas and outlook of mental nature, then as in a clear mirror or like the sky in clear water which is without ripple and unruffled by winds, the divine is reflected.

Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga - I: The Difficulties of the Mental Being


Cream-white, maroon, yellow



Flower Size

Approximately 1 inch across

Flower Texture

Not specified

Number of Petals


Floral Symmetry


Fragrance of Flower

Not specified

Leaf Texture

Fleshy with hairy surfaces

Leaf Arrangement


Leaf Color

Green, often darker on the upper surface

Structural Variation (Shrub or Tree)


Life Cycle


Blooming Period

Year-round in suitable climates


Tropical and subtropical

Water Requirements

Moderate, tolerates drought

Soil Type

Adaptable, prefers well-drained

Temperature Ranges

Not frost-hardy

Sun or Shade

Full sun to partial shade

Susceptibility to Insects and Diseases

Susceptible to leaf beetles


Bees and other insects


Native to South America, found in roadsides and open fields

Role in the Ecosystem

Provides nectar and habitat for pollinators


Not detailed


Mainly ornamental and medicinal