Let endurance be your watchword: teach the life-force in you—your vital being—not to complain but to put up with all the conditions necessary for great achievement. The body is a very enduring servant, it bears the stress of circumstance tamely like a beast of burden. It is the vital being that is always grumbling and uneasy. The slavery and torture to which it subjects the physical is almost incalculable. How it twists and deforms the poor body to its own fads and fancies, irrationally demanding that everything should be shaped according to its whimsicality! But the very essence of endurance is that the vital should learn to give up its capricious likes and dislikes and preserve an equanimity in the midst of the most trying conditions.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931: Endurance - the Vital's Hunger for Praise - Signs of the Converted Vital
Nothing great is ever accomplished without endurance.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1929 - 1931: Endurance - the Vital's Hunger for Praise - Signs of the Converted Vital
Wide range, including white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, and multicolored varieties.
Going to the end of the effort without fatigue or relaxation.
Wide range of colours
Courageous Endurance
Strong and energetic, never complains.
Royal purple
Victorious Endurance
It will endure till the end of the battle.
Spontaneous Endurance
Natural, effortless, smiling.
Light green
Joyful Endurance
Whatever happens, it keeps on smiling.
Bright coral pink
Ananda of Endurance
To know how to bear and endure undoubtedly creates a strong and lasting joy.
Cream, red
Supramentalised Endurance
The attitude is such that difficulties lose their power to harass.
Psychic Endurance
It will smile at life whatever its difficulties may be.
Mental Endurance
The difficulty of the problems to be solved will never discourage it.
Endurance of the Higher Vital
Whatever the circumstances, it never fails.
Vital Endurance
Whatever the obstacles, we shall always go forward!
Physical Endurance
Knows neither fatigue nor exhaustion.
Dark red
Integral Endurance
It will go on unfailingly till the end of its task.
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