To Know how to Say what is Needed
Neither too many words nor too few - just what is needed.
The power of expression comes by getting into touch with the inner source from which these things come.
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - IV: The Power of Expression and Yoga
For a certain state of consciousness there is not a single word, not a gesture, not an action which does not express a deeper or higher reality, more lasting, more essential, more true; and once one has seen and felt that, everything takes on a meaning, and one sees more clearly how things ought to be organised, arranged, so that a deeper truth may express itself still better than it does at present.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1956: 30 May 1956
The truest expression comes out of an absolute inner silence.
Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother: The Mother's Attitude towards Music and Other Arts
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