This is faithfulness, to admit and to manifest no other movements but only the movements prompted and guided by the Divine.The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: FaithfulnessWhen I spoke of being faithful to the light of the soul and the divine Call, I was simply suggesting the great need in all crises and attacks,—to refuse to listen to any suggestions, impulses, lures and to oppose to them all the call of the Truth, the imperative beckoning of the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail"; to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply "I am a child of Immortality chosen by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; I have but to be true to myself and to them—the victory is sure; even if I fell, I would be sure to rise again"; to all impulsions to depart and serve some other ideal, to reply "This is the greatest, this is the Truth, this alone can satisfy the soul within me; I will endure through all tests and tribulations to the very end of the divine journey." This is what I mean by faithfulness to the Light and the Call.Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother: Faithfulness to the Light and the CallThe base of the material consciousness here is not only the Ignorance, but the Inconscience—that is, the consciousness is involved in form of matter and energy of matter.Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Jivatman in the Integral YogaThe Inconscience is an inverse reproduction of the supreme superconscience: it has the same absoluteness of being and automatic action, but in a vast involved trance; it is being lost in itself, plunged in its own abyss of infinity.Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - I: Knowledge by Identity and Separative KnowledgeAll evolution is the progressive self-revelation of the One to himself in the terms of the Many out of the Inconscience through the Ignorance towards self-conscient perfection.Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: Nature: The World-Manifestation
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