Radha is the personification of the absolute love for the Divine, total and integral in all parts of the being from the highest spiritual to the physical, bringing the absolute self-giving and total consecration of all the being and calling down into the body and the most material Nature the supreme Ananda.Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II: Bhakti Yoga and VaishnavismKrishna is the divine Flute-player, the immanent and universal Divine who is the supreme power of attraction; and the soul, the psychic personality is Radha, who responds to the call of the Flute-player.The Mother, Questions and Answers 1956: 18 July 1956******At last I find a meaning of soul's birthInto this universe terrible and sweet,I who have felt the hungry heart of earthAspiring beyond heaven to Krishna's feet.I have seen the beauty of immortal eyes,And heard the passion of the Lover's flute,And known a deathless ecstasy's surpriseAnd sorrow in my heart for ever mute.Nearer and nearer now the music draws,Life shudders with a strange felicity;All Nature is a wide enamoured pauseHoping her lord to touch, to clasp, to be.For this one moment lived the ages past;The world now throbs fulfilled in me at last.Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: KrishnaAll music is only the sound of His laughter,All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss;Our lives are His heart-beats, our rapture the bridalOf Radha and Krishna, our love is their kiss.Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: WhoO Thou whom at first sight I knew for the Lord of my being and my God, receive my offering.Thine are all my thoughts, all my emotions, all the sentiments of my heart, all my sensations, all the movements of my life, each cell of my body, each drop of my blood. I am absolutely and altogether Thine, Thine without reserve. What Thou wilt of me, that I shall be. Whether Thou choosest for me life or death, happiness or sorrow, pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from Thee will be welcome. Each one of Thy gifts will be always for me a gift divine bringing with it the supreme Felicity.Sri Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother: Radha's Prayer
Most commonly deep blue; also found in white and pink
Radha's Consciousness
Symbolises perfect attachment to the Divine.
Radha's Consciousness in the Vital
Perfect attachment to the Divine replaces all vital attractions and passions.
Krishna's Light in the Senses
A first step towards transformation.
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