Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
Instead of seeking one's own satisfaction, to have service of the Divine as the aim of life.
Conversion: the turning of all the movements of the being towards the Divine.
The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Change
When the psychic is awake, it begins to take hold of the rest of the being, to influence it and change it so that all may become the true expression of the inner soul. It is this change that is called the inner conversion. There can be no conversion without the awakening of the psychic being.
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: The Psychic Being and Its Role in Sadhana
The spiritual conversion begins when the soul begins to insist on a deeper life and is complete when the psychic becomes the basis or the leader of the consciousness and mind and vital and body are led by it and obey it.
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - III: The Emergence or Coming Forward of the Psychic
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