Revelation is the direct sight, the direct hearing or the inspired memory of Truth, drishti, sruti, smriti; it is the highest experience and always accessible to renewed experience. Not because God spoke it, but because the soul saw it, is the word of the Scriptures our supreme authority.
Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: Jnana
The Vedic seers seem to speak of two primary faculties of the "truth-conscious" soul; they are Sight and Hearing, by which is intended direct operations of an inherent Knowledge describable as truth-vision and truth-audition and reflected from far-off in our human mentality by the faculties of revelation and inspiration.
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - I: The Supermind as Creator
Revelation is greater than inspiration—it brings the direct knowledge and seeing, inspiration gives the expression, but the two are not always equal.
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Poetry and Art: Mystic Poetry and Spiritual Poetry
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