The flame of purification which ought to precede all contact with the invisible worlds.
Light salmon pink, red
Calm, tranquil, equal, smiling, and very sweet in its truly simple austerity.
Cream, pure white
Ananda in the Physical
May it be welcome, even if it manifests itself rarely.
Cream, deep red, pure white
Individual Power
Limited in its capacity and action.
Enlightened Individual Power
Limited in its action, but of a very high capacity.
Coral pink, intense red, cream
Power of the Psychic Consciousness
Psychic power organises the activities of the nature to make them progress.
Bright rose-pink, deep red
Psychic Power in Existence
Manifold, imperious, irresistible in its understanding sweetness.
Light pink to lilac pink, deep red
Mentalised Power
Power becomes utilisable.
Lemon-yellow, bright red or maroon
Power in the Converted Mind
When the mind turns towards the Divine it becomes a powerful instrument.
Bright ochre yellow
Sweetness of Power Surrendered to the Divine (Sweetness of Auroville)
Sweetness itself becomes powerful when it is at the service of the Divine.
Light gold to apricot yellow, white to light pink
Light of the Purified Power
Irresistibly simple in its power consecrated solely to the Divine.
Milk white, bright orange
Power of Integral Purity
The power of accepting only the Divine influence.
White, bright red or vermilion
Power of Harmony
Simple, noble, dignified, powerful, and charming.
Bright golden-yellow or light yellow, and pink, light or deep red, or light orange
Aesthetic Power
Beauty is a great power.
Reddish-pink, dark red, white
Dynamic Power
Indispensable for progress.
Light to medium red
Power of Action
The power resulting from true surrender to the Divine.
Bright cardinal red, reddish-purple
Power of Consciousness
All the powers of controlling and governing the lower movements of inconscient nature.
Raspberry pink to crimson
Power of Perseverance (Continued Perseverance and Action)
The perseverance that overcomes all obstacles.
Orange to red orange, rose, deep red
Power of Effort (Effort of Auroville)
Efforts well-directed break down all obstacles.
Grey lavender to deep lavender, magenta purple
Power of Progress
Power is the sign of the Divine influence in creation.
Pink to light red or reddish-orange, crimson pink, white to lavender pink
Power to Progress
Precious because it is rare, it must be cultivated with care.
Cream white, deep pink, orange
Power of Success (Success of Auroville)
The power of those who know how to continue their effort.
Cream white, deep rose pink or magenta
Power of Realisation
With realisation all obstacles will be overcome.
Bright orange red, yellow orange, grey lavender
Power of the Future
To be capable of working for the future.
Deep red or deep magenta
Power in Service of the Future
Without haste, but sure of its success.
Bright magenta
Power of the Supramental Consciousness
Organising and active, irresistible in its influence.
Deep gold to apricot, red or deep orange
Effective Power of the Supermind
All-powerful, it imposes itself on all in the certitude of its knowledge.
Deep pink to light orange
Manifold Power of the New Creation (Manifold Power of Auroville)
The new creation will be rich in possibilities.
Bright red or orange red, white, cream yellow to light gold
Power of Spiritual Beauty (Spiritual Beauty of Auroville)
Spiritual beauty has a contagious power.
Salmon orange to golden yellow, deep magenta, silver white
Supramental Beauty in the Physical
Its promise is charming.
Light golden orange, deep red, or deep salmon pink to cream yellow
Beauty of Supramental Love (Flower of Auroville)
It invites us to live at its height
Salmon pink, pink, yellow
Beauty of Supramental Youth
Exquisite in its freshness, powerful in its undeniable beauty.
Salmon orange, pale yellow, red
Beauty of the New Creation (Beauty of Auroville)
The new creation strives to better manifest the Divine.
Crimson pink to pale pink, dark red
Beauty of Tomorrow
The beauty that will express Divine Power.
Light or bright orange shades
Beauty of Tomorrow Manifesting the Divine
A beauty that exists only by and for the Divine.
White, pale pink, shades of orange
Victorious Beauty
When it has removed the ugliness of life.
Golden ochre to mustard, deep red or vermilion, silver grey or pale lavender
Blossoming of the New Creation (Blossoming of Auroville)
The more we concentrate on the goal, the more it blossoms forth and becomes precise.
Bright orange or bright yellow, fire red
Charm of the New Creation (Charm of Auroville)
The New Creation is attractive to all those who want to progress.
Light pink, white to dark pink
Concentration of the New Creation (Concentration of Auroville)
Concentration on a precise goal is helpful to development.
Yellow, orange, red orange, light yellow
Firmness of the New Creation (Firmness of Auroville)
The new creation wants to be steadfast in its manifestation.
Yellow, orange, yellow, deep red or bright pink, or bright red to grey lavender
Ideal of the New Creation (Ideal of Auroville)
The ideal should be progressive so that it can be realised in the future.
Violet, mauve, white
Progress of the New Creation (Progress of Auroville)
Each must find the activity favourable to his progress.
Yellow, reddish-orange
Realisation of the New Creation (Realisation of Auroville)
It is for this that we must prepare.
Lemon or bright yellow, white, pink
Usefulness of the New Creation (Usefulness of Auroville)
A creation which aims at teaching men to surpass themselves.
Deep pink, reddish-pink
Consciousness One with the Divine Consciousness
Smiling and happy, it no longer knows any shadows.
Light to deep pink, dark red, cream
Supramental Consciousness
Gloriously awake and powerful. Luminous, sure of itself, infallible in its movements.
Bright yellow or golden yellow, red
Will in the Course of Uniting itself with the Divine Will
On the way to perfection.
Cream white
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