There comes a moment when the body itself finds that there is nothing in the world which is so worth living for as this transformation; that there is nothing which can have as great an interest as this passionate interest of transformation. It is as though all the cells of the body were athirst for that Light which wants to manifest; they cry out for it, they find an intense joy in it and are sure of the Victory.
The Mother, Questions and Answers 1957 - 1958: 25 September 1957
The cells of the body thirst for the Divine Consciousness and when they are brought into contact with It their aspiration becomes very intense.
The Mother, Some Answers from the Mother: 21 October 1967
At the centre of each cell lies the Divine Consciousness. By aspiration and repeated self-giving, the cells must be made transparent.
The Mother, Some Answers from the Mother: 18 March 1967
Supramental Influence in the Cells
Unexpected variety in colours and qualities.
Multicoloured, red, orange, gold, and lavender
Emotional Beauty in the Cells
Seeking and radiating all the emotions of beauty.
Light in the Cells
The first step towards purity in the cells.
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