Know what the Divine wants and you will have mastery.
Self-mastery is the greatest conquest, it is the basis of all enduring happiness.
The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Desires, Impulses and Self-control
It is from within that you must become master of your lower nature by establishing your consciousness firmly in a domain that is free of all desire and attachment because it is under the influence of the divine Light and Force. It is a long and exacting labour which must be undertaken with an unfailing sincerity and a tireless perseverance.
The Mother, Some Answers from the Mother: 26 August 1964
The mastery must be a TRUE mastery, a very humble and austere mastery which starts from the very bottom and, step by step, establishes control. As a matter of fact, it is a battle against small, really tiny things: habits of being, ways of thinking, feeling and reacting.
When this mastery at the very bottom combines with the consciousness at the very top, then you can really begin doing some work—not only work on yourself but also the work for all.
The Mother, Mother's Agenda: May 16, 1960
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